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3 mistakes to avoid with your haie when you go to bed at night

Daily, you are used to taking care of your hair during the day: shampoo, moisturizer, maybe a soft oil, a nice hairstyle... and you let your hair rest at the same time as you, during your sleep. This would be the perfect time to take care of their health! Start by erasing little nocturnal quirks that may not seem serious to you, but which can nevertheless have serious consequences and damage your hair in the long term. Follow the leader.

Mistake #1: forgetting to brush them

Traditionally, the last beauty gesture before sinking into the arms of Morpheus was to brush your hair. A habit that is often forgotten and yet would do wonders for your hair. By gently brushing them from top to bottom for several minutes, you will perfectly spread the natural oils produced by your scalp to your lengths. Result: shiny hair when you wake up!

Mistake #2: Sleeping on an old pillowcase

You’ve been lying in bed and lying on your favorite pillowcase every night for... years? It is high time to change! Obviously, we can only advise you to invest in silk pillowcases, as their beauty virtues - particularly their effect on the hair's beauty- are to be praised. Your locks will rub less when you move in your sleep, and your hair will look gorgeous when you wake up.

Mistake #3: Sleeping with Wet Hair

You prefer to take your shower in the evening and therefore wash your hair before going to bed, to slip clean under your duvet. However, never forget to dry your lengths thoroughly (in the open air, if possible) before closing your eyes, because you should absolutely never sleep with wet hair. Indeed, it would be the best way to damage them and weaken the hair fiber.


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